Week 5 #
Topic: The Deep Metric Learning Family in Self-Supervised Learning
Keynote Speaker: Xinyao Li, Yiming Zhang, Shengqi Fang
Time: Jul 20, 19:30 - 21:30 pm
Venue: Lecture Hall 3, 302 (SUSTech)
Online Link: TencentMeeting
Compendium #
I. Contrastive Predictive Coding:
- Introduce Contrastive Predictive Coding, which learns self-supervised representations by predicting the future in latent space by using powerful autoregressive models.
- Introduce the concept of InfoNCE loss, which is a widely used loss function.
II. The Contrastive Loss Function
- Introduce the core ideas of Deep Metric Learning and discuss the shortcomings of traditional Metric Learning methods.
- Discuss DrLIM (Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping).
- Introduce Contrastive Loss and its spring model analogy: Attract-only spring and m-Repulse-only spring.
- Show the experiments of DrLIM along with traditional Metric Learning methods.
III. The Triplet Loss Function
- Introduce Triplet Loss: anchor, positive and negative; easy, hard and semi-hard triplets.
- Discuss the importance of triplet selection and two methods: choosing semi-hard triplets (applied in FaceNet) and Batch Hard.
VI. A brief review of SimCLR:
- Introduce structure of contrastive learning.
- emphasize the importance of data augmentation(random cropping and color distortion).
Material #
Slides 1, 2 and 3 for Deep Metric Learning Family from Xinyao Li, Shengqi Fang and Yiming Zhang.
Reference #
Balestriero, R et al. A Cookbook of Self-supervised Learning
R Hadsell et al, Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping
F Schroff et al, FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering
A Hermans et al, In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification
J Goldberger et al, Neighbourhood Components Analysis
K Sohn et al, Improved Deep Metric Learning with Multi-class N-pair Loss Objective
A Oord et al, Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding
T Chen et al, A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations
A Dosovitskiy et al, Discriminative Unsupervised Feature Learning with Convolutional Neural
Z Wu et al, Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance-level Discrimination