
Week 2 #

Topic: The Bridge: Transferable Feature towards Advanced Mechanism

Keynote Speaker: Zebin Yun

Time: Jun 29, 19:30 - 21:30 pm

Venue: Lecture Hall 3, 302 (SUSTech)

Online Link: TencentMeeting

Compendium #

Present transferability of features in deep neural networks, specifically the generality versus specificity of neurons in each layer of a deep convolutional neural network. Furthermore, detail the connection between transferable features and pretrain-finetune mechanism.

  • The first layer of a deep neural network learns simple features are generalizable across tasks.
  • As the layers get deeper, the neurons become more specialized to their original task, making them less transferable to new tasks.
  • Fine-tuning a pre-trained network on a new task can be difficult due to optimization difficulties related to splitting the network.
  • The transferability of features can be quantified by measuring the performance of a network when transferring between dis-similar tasks.
  • Networks trained on a natural target task perform better when transferring to a man-made target task than vice versa. 6. The performance of a network can be improved by initializing the first few layers with random, untrained weights.
  • The pretrain weight can utilize the transferable feature for downstream tasks

Material #

I. The second week slide from Zebin Yun.

II. Some helpful videos:

References #

  1. Yosinski, J et al. How transferable are features in deep neural networks?

  2. Devlin, Jacob, et al. Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding. - Code of BERT

  3. S. J. Pan et al. Domain Adaptation via Transfer Component Analysis

  4. Long M et al. Transfer feature learning with joint distribution adaptation