
Week 1 #

Topic: An Introduction of Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning: Principles, Mechanisms, and Variants

Keynote Speaker: Wang Ma

Time: Jun 21, 11:00 - 12:30 am

Venue: Business Hall, 314 (SUSTech)

Online Link: TencentMeeting

Compendium #

I. Introduction: The Concept and Mechanism of Meta-Learning (Credits: Prof. Hung-yi Lee’s Slides)

  • Discussing the concept and mechanisms of Meta-Learning.
  • Exploring its distinctive role and divergence from traditional Machine Learning approaches.

II. The Emergence of MAML

  • Providing an overview of the Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) Algorithm.
  • Offering an intricate explanation of MAML’s workings, augmented by sketch illustrations.
  • Demonstrating the versatility of MAML through application examples such as classification, regression, and reinforcement learning problems.

III. First-Order MAML (FO-MAML)

  • Illuminating the presence of the second derivative in the MAML Algorithm through mathematical derivation.
  • Introducing the First-Order Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (FO-MAML), with a focus on its divergence from the MAML algorithm (which part of the originial algorithm is ignored).
  • Rewriting the FO-MAML algorithm to better illustrate its structure and functionality.

IV. The Advent of Reptile

  • Re-examining the MAML optimization problem and diving deeper into FO-MAML.
  • Introducing Reptile, with a clear delineation of its distinction from FO-MAML.
  • Rewriting the Reptile algorithm for a better understanding.

V. Feature Reuse in MAML & Introduction to ANIL (Almost No Inner Loop)

  • Discussing why MAML’s efficiency is amplified by Feature Reuse rather than Rapid Learning, supplemented with the explanation and analysis of three experimental case studies.
  • Explaining how the concept of feature reuse spearheaded the idea of ANIL.
  • Providing a comprehensive explanation of ANIL, its unique algorithm, and how it differentiates from MAML.

VI. Conclusion

  • Recapping the key concepts, techniques, and distinctions between MAML and its variants, emphasizing their potential impact on the future of machine learning.

Material #

The first week slide from Wang Ma.

Slide-ref is reference slide from hungyi-lee.

References #

  1. Chelsea Finn’s blog on Learning to Learn

  2. Chelsea Finn et al. Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks (MAML)

  3. Alex Nichol et al. On First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms (Reptile)

  4. Aniruddh Raghu et al. Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML

  5. Chelsea Finn. Learning to Learn with Gradients